The Future of Wing Chun is Here!

This is an Sifu Z AI Wing Chun model capable of taking on any form and perform any movement. This model is stage 1 with stage 2 implementing autonomous AI using local data and live chat.

Imagine being able to train, practice, and interact with a Wing Chun master (or anyone for that matter) anywhere any place anytime. The advancements of virtual reality, augmented reality, coupled with artificial intelligence and interfaced with avatars, 3-D models and physical robotics, are all bringing this future into the present.

Many of us growing up in the 80s we’re influenced by the science fiction of the day. Computers, virtual reality and robotics were well within our horizons. The science fiction of the early 1900s were manifesting themselves right before our very eyes. My first exposure to this new world was actually during the 70s during a visit to Disneyland. They had a theater that utilized polarized projection and holophonic sound technologies. As I remember it was really quite mind blowing.

Here we are in 2024 and the digital technology is being made available to everyone. This is the very shift that was required in order for the concepts to be implemented. This profound advancement is most assuredly a public utility and must be secured for all of humanity.

It’s hard not to get excited about the potential that lies before us. What has personally frustrated me the most is that the capabilities and even much of the technology has been available for decades. During the late 80s there was a crossroads between e-commerce and virtual reality. Of course e-commerce won out initially. However this became an omen to “losers last stand”. Virtual reality in concert with the current emerging technologies offer great hope to the future of humanity with Wing Chun spearheading the way.

See you in the kwoon (virtual or physical). -Sifu Z

2 responses to “The Future of Wing Chun is Here!”

  1. Hello Z,I have been doing laps except for Fri n Sat. Practicing my grounded stance. The future is here. I am moving too. Will give more details.. April 1st….Be safe, Big Jim in Placerville

  2. Excellent keep up the good work my man it all pays off. Perhaps I’ll see you soon.🤙🏽🔥

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